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Design an app where slip can display products to sell, create a seamless checkout process and give insight on who the artist are.


Slip is a local small mom and pop designer located in Atlanta, GA. They has been designing for over 2 years but has never set up a platform to sell their pottery. Now with enough unique pieces they are ready to step out and display and sell their work.


UX | Develop App

E-Commerce based

Easy to navigate

Felt unique


UI | Branding



Vivid Imagery



Competitor Analysis


  • Research 3 direct competitors and 1 indirect competitor

  • Analyze strengths, weaknesses and target personas


  • There was no app designed for any of the competitors

  • There was a lack in e-commerce design

  • Importance of interaction with customer

Competitor Analysis.png

User Interviews


  • 1-on-1 Interviews

  • 4 Participants

  • Ages: 25-55


  • Learn about the online and offline buying behavior of customers.

  • Discover paint points and delights users may currently experience with shopping. 

  • Learn what is important to users when shopping. 

  • Discover how an online store can be designed to entice sales and peak user interest.

Interview Script 




Empathy Map


Created by Dave Gray as a collaborative tool, an empathy map is used to gain deeper insight into their customers. Much like a user persona, an empathy map can represent a group of users, such as a customer segment. I took my interview notes and broke down ever comment into doing, think & feeling, seeing, hearing, pains and gains. 


I found that there was more content in feels and thinks than the other categories. Christine really wanted to make sure she is sustainable and wants to shop locally. That was a very important feeling. She constantly thinks about her community and cost.  

Slip Empathy Map.jpg


To create the persona, I took provisional personas as well as the information gained through my interview process to create Christine Young. She is very environmentally conscious. She (I would say) is anti Amazon. He main goal is to shop local, sustainably and is reasonably priced. She is very perceptive and like any millennial very into social media and apps. 

Zeit Persona.png




A site map is a list of pages of a web site within a domain. Here I used the site map as a way to help planning the hiearchy of the app.

Site map.png

Task Flow

Purpose: To ensure an understanding of how many steps/pages are needed to reduce abort rate

UX Flow Demo.png

User Flow

Purpose: To figure out the flow of the app and see which paths we will need to create

User flow.png

Low Fidelity Wireframes

Framework of the App. Layout all the necessary components that were gathered throughout the research and testing process.

Screen Shot 2021-08-07 at 11.38.51 AM.png

High Fidelity Wireframes

These wireframes show the complete process from home screen to ending a run. I focused on simple design, ensuring design is interactive, buffer screens and lastly large target for CTAs

Screen Shot 2021-08-07 at 3.51.59 PM.png


For this prototype I focused on the checkout process. Hover, active, and loading states were included to make sure this higher fidelity prototype felt real to the testers.



Usability Testing



  • 7 participants

    • Late 20s - Early 50s

    • Shop online​

Key Findings

  • Overall participants expressed that they liked the presentation of the app. They loved the colors and how fun it was. 



Affinity Map


An affinity map helps designers sort, prioritize, and rank our user testing feedback

Participants comments were divided by fundamental elements. 

slip 1.png

Take Aways



  • Applying lean thinking to the design process. During this project, I learned how to work within an agile environment to create an MVP with limited time and resources. While the designs can be improved in the future, my high-fidelity prototype was enough to get the interest of investors to allow my client to move on to the next stage of production​

  •  Done is better than perfect. Aware of my perfectionist tendencies, I created regular deadlines for myself in order to stay on task. While there is always room for improvement, I feel good about finishing a project on time and knowing that my client loves her new app.

Next Steps

  • ​Enlarge target size of CTA buttons

  • Add description and price to product page

  • Design a better indicator for an item to be added to the cart

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